Friday, December 2, 2011

Facing the giants

Few movies strike me as Facing the Giants. From the father son relationship renewed to the news of a baby on the way, I stream tears through the whole movie. Each time, being in a different phase of my life, the real Truth comes shining through and my spirit links more keenly with The Holy Spirit. Tonight, my children were curled up around the television watching as the scene comes up where the coach is on the ground saying, " Don't quit! Don't quit! only 10 more steps!" And here come the tears. My heart crumbles as I see my Friend, my Coach on the ground and in my face encouraging me not to quit. The sweet Teacher is for us, with us, in us. We can not shrink back. We can not lose heart. We can not give in. We can not hide behind. We must go the distance with Him, even with a blind fold on. We must trust the Voice of the One who tells us to run the race marked out for us. We must tell our flesh that our spirit is in the Hand of the Great King and we will not lose heart. For He is with us, for us, in us and on the ground encouraging us each step of the way. The sweet favor that comes in life with the Beloved. Even with a blind fold, there is no other place for me.

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